LANGUAGEPATCHES { TRANSLATION { text = Max Physics Delta-Time per Frame translation = Maximale Physikalische Delta-Zeit pro Bild } TRANSLATION { text = Tidy up debris cluttering KSC translation = Aufräumen des Schuttes. KSC zu unübersichtlich } TRANSLATION { text = Max Persistent Debris translation = Maximale hartnäckige Trümmer } TRANSLATION { text = Show Version Number in Game translation = Angabe der Versionsnummer im Spiel } TRANSLATION { text = Don't Show Game Launcher translation = Startbildschirm nicht zeigen } TRANSLATION { text = Simulate In Background translation = Simuliere im Hintergrund } TRANSLATION { text = Show Stats Tracking Dialog on Startup translation = ####Startstatistiken anzeigen / Beim Start die Statistiken anzeigen### } TRANSLATION { text = Camera Wobble Internal translation = Inneres Kamera wackeln } TRANSLATION { text = Camera Wobble External translation = Externes Kamera wackeln } TRANSLATION { text = UI Scale translation = UI größe } TRANSLATION { text = Retain Control Point on enter IVA translation = Kontrolle behalten beim IVA } TRANSLATION { text = EVAs Auto-Rotate to Camera translation = Auto Rotation der Kamera beim EVA } TRANSLATION { text = Thermal Highlights translation = Hitzeentwicklung } TRANSLATION { text = Temperature Gauges translation = Temperaturanzeige } TRANSLATION { text = Contract Deadlines as Dates translation = Vertragsfristen wie Datum } TRANSLATION { text = Display Kerbin Time (6h days, 426d years) translation = Kerbin Zeitanzeige (6h tage, 426d jahre) } TRANSLATION { text = Show Space Center Crew translation = Zeige die Besatzung des Raumfahrtzentrums } TRANSLATION { text = Show Vessel Labels translation = Zeige Firmennamen auf Fahrzeuge } TRANSLATION { text = Gameplay translation = Gameplay } TRANSLATION { text = Mouse translation = Maus } TRANSLATION { text = Controllers translation = Steuereinheit } TRANSLATION { text = Game translation = Spiel } TRANSLATION { text = Vessel translation = Fahrzeug } TRANSLATION { text = Flight translation = Flug } TRANSLATION { text = Input translation = #Eingabe# } TRANSLATION { text = Audio translation = Tonwiedergabe } TRANSLATION { text = Graphic translation = Grafik } TRANSLATION { text = General translation = Generel } TRANSLATION { text = Cancel translation = Abbruch } TRANSLATION { text = Revert translation = zurück } TRANSLATION { text = Apply translation = ###zustimmen ; bestätigen ; zusagen### } TRANSLATION { text = Settings translation = Einstellungen } TRANSLATION { text = Key Title translation = ######Schlüssel Titel##### } TRANSLATION { text = Dead Zone translation = #####tote Zone (Wohl auf die Steuerung bezogen (Joystick)... ka was das heißen soll)#### } TRANSLATION { text = Invert translation = umkehren } TRANSLATION { text = Sensitivity translation = Sensibilität } TRANSLATION { text = Clear Assigment translation = Auftrag Abbrechen } TRANSLATION { text = Achis Name translation = Achsen Name } TRANSLATION { text = Primary translation = Haupt } TRANSLATION { text = Axis Title translation = Achsen Titel } TRANSLATION { text = Orbit Line Fade Reversed translation = umgedrehte Orbit Linie } TRANSLATION { text = Orbit Line Fade strengh translation = Farbintensität der Orbitlinie } TRANSLATION { text = Underwater FX translation = Unterwasser FX } TRANSLATION { text = Oberfläche FX translation = Oberfläche FX } TRANSLATION { text = Edge Highlighting (PPFX) translation = Kantenglättung } TRANSLATION { text = Aerodynamic FX Quality translation = Strömung FX Qualität } TRANSLATION { text = Half Res translation = Halbe Qualität } TRANSLATION { text = Texture Quality translation = Textur Qualität } TRANSLATION { text = Fantastic translation = Fantastisch } TRANSLATION { text = Render Quality translation = Render Qualität } TRANSLATION { text = Rendering translation = Kantenglättung } TRANSLATION { text = Shadow Cast translation = Schattenabbildungen } TRANSLATION { text = Pixel Light Count translation = Pixel Licht } TRANSLATION { text = Frame Limit ctranslation = Bild Limit } TRANSLATION { text = Screen Resolution translation = Bildschirmauflösung } TRANSLATION { text = Full Screen translation = Vollbild } TRANSLATION { text = Frame Limit translation = Bild Limit } TRANSLATION { text = Scatter Density translation = Dichteverteilung } TRANSLATION { text = Terrain Scatters translation = Gelände streuung } TRANSLATION { text = default translation = Voreinstellung } TRANSLATION { text = Terrain Details translation = Gelände details } TRANSLATION { text = scenery translation = Landschaft } TRANSLATION { text = Responsiveness translation = Reaktionsfreudigkeit } TRANSLATION { text = threshold translation = Schwellwert } TRANSLATION { text = Enable translation = freigeben } TRANSLATION { text = Sound Normalizer translation = Musik normalisierer } TRANSLATION { text = Voices translation = Stimmen } TRANSLATION { text = Music translation = Musik } TRANSLATION { text = Ambience translation = Athmosphäre } TRANSLATION { text = Spacecraft translation = Raumschiff } TRANSLATION { text = Throttle (Incremental)\n translation = Klappe (Schrittweise)/n } TRANSLATION { text = Throttle Axis translation = Klappe Längsachse } TRANSLATION { text = Throttle translation = Klappe } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Forward/Back\n translation = vorwärts/rückwärts Übersetzung /n } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Up/Down\n translation = Hoch/Runter Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Left/right translation = Links/Rechts Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translation translation = Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Yaw Axis\n translation = Gieren Länchsachse } TRANSLATION { text = Roll Axis\n translation = Rollen Länchsachse } TRANSLATION { text = rotation translation = rotation } TRANSLATION { text = None translation = nichts } TRANSLATION { text = Space translation = Weltraum } TRANSLATION { text = Switch Translation/Rotation translation = Wechsel zwischen Übersetzung und Rotation } TRANSLATION { text = Launch/Staging translation = Start/Stufentrennung } TRANSLATION { text = other translation = andere } TRANSLATION { text = LeftControl translation = Linker ####Kontroller/Regler#### } TRANSLATION { text = Throttle Down translation = drosselung } TRANSLATION { text = LeftShift translation = LinksShift } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Backward translation = Rückwärts Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Forward translation = Vorwärts Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Right translation = Rechts Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Left translation = Links Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Up translation = Hoch Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Translate Down translation = Down Übersetzung } TRANSLATION { text = Roll Right translation = Rechts rollen } TRANSLATION { text = Roll Left translation = Links rollen } TRANSLATION { text = pitch Up translation = ###Steigen / Nase hoch#### } TRANSLATION { text = pitch down translation = ####Fallen / Nase runter#### } TRANSLATION { text = steering Axis translation = Lenkverhalten } TRANSLATION { text = Wheels translation = Räder } TRANSLATION { text = Drive Back translation = Rückwärtsfahren } TRANSLATION { text = Drive Forward translation = Vorwärts fahren } TRANSLATION { text = Steer Right translation = rechts steuern } TRANSLATION { text = Steer left translation = links steuern } TRANSLATION { text = Backspace translation = Rücktaste } TRANSLATION { text = Emergency Abourt translation = Notabbruch } TRANSLATION { text = Lights translation = Lichter } TRANSLATION { text = Precision Controls Toggle translation = Steuerempfindlichkeit } TRANSLATION { text = full throttle translation = Vollgas } TRANSLATION { text = full throttle translation = null Schub } TRANSLATION { text = RCS toggle translation = RCS Hebel } TRANSLATION { text = SAS toggle translation = SAS Hebel } TRANSLATION { text = Brakes translation = Bremsen } TRANSLATION { text = Landing Gear translation = Landevorrichtung } TRANSLATION { text = Systems translation = Systeme } TRANSLATION { text = Roll translation = Rollen } TRANSLATION { text = Yaw translation = Gieren } TRANSLATION { text = Pitch translation = abknicken } TRANSLATION { text = Character translation = Karackter } TRANSLATION { text = Move Down translation = nach unten bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Move Up translation = nach oben bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Move right translation = nach rechts bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Move left translation = nach links bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Move Up translation = nach oben bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Move back translation = rückwärts bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = move forward translation = vorwärts bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = toggle EVA pack translation = Raumanzug verbergen } TRANSLATION { text = toggle lights translation = lichter ausschalten } TRANSLATION { text = orient to view translation = nach oben bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Toggle Movement Mode translation = Bewegung umschalten } TRANSLATION { text = Board translation = Tafel } TRANSLATION { text = Use/Grab translation = ###Kralle / Greifarm### } TRANSLATION { text = Run translation = gehen } TRANSLATION { text = Jump translation = springen } TRANSLATION { text = Turn right translation = nach rechts drehen } TRANSLATION { text = turn left translation = nach links drehen } TRANSLATION { text = Character Controls translation = Karakter Kontrolle } TRANSLATION { text = Camera vertical/n translation = Kamera vertikal } TRANSLATION { text = Camera horizontal translation = Kamera horizontal } TRANSLATION { text = Camera translation = Kamera } TRANSLATION { text = Keypad translation = Nummernblock } TRANSLATION { text = Show/Hide Navball translation = Ein/Ausblenden vom Navigationsball } TRANSLATION { text = Show/Hide temp overlay translation = Ein/Ausblenden der Temperatur anzeige } TRANSLATION { text = Show/hide temp. Gauges translation = ####Ein/Ausblenden vom Messinstrumenten#### } TRANSLATION { text = Show/hide Flight Forces translation = Ein/Ausblenden der Flugkraftanzeige } TRANSLATION { text = Show/hide Flight Log translation = ####Ein/Ausblenden Flugschreibers#### } TRANSLATION { text = Show/hide Vessel label translation = Ein/Ausblenden Fahrzeugbezeichnung } TRANSLATION { text = Scroll Icons down translation = Nach unten Scrollen } TRANSLATION { text = Scroll Icons up translation = Nach oben Scrollen } TRANSLATION { text = Scroll Icons down translation = Nach unten Scrollen } TRANSLATION { text = show/hide flight UI translation = anzeigen/versetecken flug UI } TRANSLATION { text = BackQuote translation = ####Preisangebot#### } TRANSLATION { text = Search all parts translation = nach allen Bauteilen suchen } TRANSLATION { text = Cycle Symetry mode translation = Veränderung des Symethry modus } TRANSLATION { text = Toggle Symmetry translation = Umschalten Symetry } TRANSLATION { text = Toggle Angle Snap translation = Umschalten Betrachtungswinkel } TRANSLATION { text = Toggle Absolute translation = #### } TRANSLATION { text = Root Mode translation = ###Hauptmodus### } TRANSLATION { text = Rotate Mode translation = Rotationsmodus } TRANSLATION { text = Offset Mod translation = Achsenmodus } TRANSLATION { text = Place Modus translation = Platzierenmodus } TRANSLATION { text = reset part rotation translation = zurücksetzen teil rotation } TRANSLATION { text = Roll Part Right translation = Bauteil nach rechts rollen } TRANSLATION { text = Roll Part Left translation = Bauteil nach links rollen } TRANSLATION { text = Yaw Part Right translation = Bauteil nach links gieren } TRANSLATION { text = Yaw Part Left translation = Bauteil nach rechts gieren } TRANSLATION { text = Part Pitch Up translation = Bauteil nach oben Bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Part Pitch Down translation = Bauteil nach unten Bewegen } TRANSLATION { text = Page Down translation = Bild runter } TRANSLATION { text = Scroll view down translation = Nach unten Scrollen } TRANSLATION { text = PageUP translation = Bild rauf } TRANSLATION { text = Scroll View Up translation = nach oben Scrollen } TRANSLATION { text = Editor translation = Editor } TRANSLATION { text = RightArrow translation = rechte Pfeiltaste } TRANSLATION { text = View Right translation = nach Rechts blicken } TRANSLATION { text = LeftArrow translation = linke Pfeiltaste } TRANSLATION { text = View Left translation = nach Links blicken } TRANSLATION { text = DownArrow translation = Pfeiltaste unten } TRANSLATION { text = UpArrow translation = Pfeiltaste oben } TRANSLATION { text = View Down translation = nach unten blicken } TRANSLATION { text = View Up translation = nach oben blicken } TRANSLATION { text = KeypadMinus translation = Nummernblock Minus } TRANSLATION { text = Zoom Out translation = ###herraus Zoomen / verkleinern#### } TRANSLATION { text = KeypadPlus translation = Nummernblock plus } TRANSLATION { text = Zoom In translation = ###heranzoomen / vergrößern#### } TRANSLATION { text = Camera Reset translation = Kamera zurücksetzen } TRANSLATION { text = Camera Next translation = Nächste Kamera } TRANSLATION { text = Kamera Mode translation = Kamera Modus } TRANSLATION { text = Quikload translation = Schnellladen } TRANSLATION { text = Quiksave translation = Schnellspeicher } TRANSLATION { text = Take Screenshot translation = Foto machen } TRANSLATION { text = LeftBracket translation = Linke klammer } TRANSLATION { text = Focus Prev Vessel translation = Vorheriges Fahrzeug ansehen } TRANSLATION { text = RightBracket translation = Rechte Klammer } TRANSLATION { text = Focus Next Vessel translation = Nächstes Flugzeug ansehen } TRANSLATION { text = Stop Time Warp translation = Stop Zeitbeschleunigung } TRANSLATION { text = Decreas Time Warp translation = zurücksetzen der Zeitbeschleunigung } TRANSLATION { text = Period translation = zurücksetzen der Zeitbeschleunigung } TRANSLATION { text = Increase Time Warp translation = Erhöhen der Zeitbeschleunigung } TRANSLATION { text = Orbital Map View translation = Orbitale Karten Ansicht } TRANSLATION { text = Mouse Wheel Sensitivity translation = Mausrad Sensibilität } TRANSLATION { text = Editors translation = Editor } TRANSLATION { text = Tracking Station translation = ####Radar Station#### } TRANSLATION { text = Space Centers translation = Weltraumhafen } TRANSLATION { text = Flight Map Views translation = Flugkarte } TRANSLATION { text = Flight Internal translation = Flug Innenansicht } TRANSLATION { text = Flight External translation = Flug Außenansicht } TRANSLATION { text = Sharpness translation = Bildschärfe } TRANSLATION { text = 6-Dof Camera Control translation = 6-Dof Kamera Kontrolle } TRANSLATION { text = Lock/Unlock Roll Axis translation = Sperren/lösen Rollaxe } TRANSLATION { text = Scrolllock translation = Scrollblockade } TRANSLATION { text = A 6-DOF input device is a hardware controller that allows manipulating objects and views in 3D applications. Currently, this is only supported on the Windows version of KSP. translation = A 6-Dof ist ein Hardware Controlleur der es euch erlaubt, 3D objekte zu manipulieren und anzuwenden. Zur Zeit ist dieses nur uter Windows möglich. } }