//==========================================================================// //===== LanguagePatches - Translate the game into multiple languages =====// //==========================================================================// [LOG 14:53:33]: Logger "LOADING" was created [LOG 14:53:34]: II [LOG 14:53:34]: KSPedia\n\n [LOG 14:53:34]: U [LOG 14:53:34]: N [LOG 14:53:34]: P [LOG 14:53:34]: F [LOG 14:53:34]: B\n\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Next [LOG 14:53:34]: 0 [LOG 14:53:34]: Data Value: 0.10 [LOG 14:53:34]: VAB [LOG 14:53:34]: Cancel [LOG 14:53:34]: Decription Text [LOG 14:53:34]: Recovery of a vessel that survived a flight [LOG 14:53:34]: Biome: [LOG 14:53:34]: Crewmember Kerman [LOG 14:53:34]: Upgrade\nN/A [LOG 14:53:34]: Value\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Facility Level [LOG 14:53:34]: new textnew text [LOG 14:53:34]: NNN parts, NN stages [LOG 14:53:34]: Delete [LOG 14:53:34]: Close\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Name [LOG 14:53:34]: Part Title Crew [LOG 14:53:34]: default [LOG 14:53:34]: Debris [LOG 14:53:34]: Resource Name [LOG 14:53:34]: Accept [LOG 14:53:34]: Transmit Experiment\n(NN% Efficiency) [LOG 14:53:34]: The plaque on Site Name Reads: [LOG 14:53:34]: Map Center: [LOG 14:53:34]: Key [LOG 14:53:34]: Flight Results [LOG 14:53:34]: Narrow Band Scanner\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Transfer [LOG 14:53:34]: Vessel Name [LOG 14:53:34]: Abundance: [LOG 14:53:34]: EVA [LOG 14:53:34]: Message\nasdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf [LOG 14:53:34]: KSP Stats Tracking [LOG 14:53:34]: New TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew Text\nNew Text\nNew Text\nNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew Text\nNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew TextNew Text [LOG 14:53:34]: Status: N/A [LOG 14:53:34]: Enter [LOG 14:53:34]: Tracking Station [LOG 14:53:34]: Mission Summary for VesselName [LOG 14:53:34]: Button [LOG 14:53:34]: Science Sample from Somewhere [LOG 14:53:34]: X [LOG 14:53:34]: Ship [LOG 14:53:34]: Merge [LOG 14:53:34]: Jebediah Kerman\nValentina Kerman\nBill Kerman\n(N more) [LOG 14:53:34]: Keep Experiment [LOG 14:53:34]: Landed somewhere long enough to line break [LOG 14:53:34]: My Overly Long Ship has a very long name [LOG 14:53:34]: Science [LOG 14:53:34]: Station [LOG 14:53:34]: I'm almost sure there is a third line here [LOG 14:53:34]: Header [LOG 14:53:34]: Show severity: [LOG 14:53:34]: Cost: £000,000,000.00 [LOG 14:53:34]: SPH [LOG 14:53:34]: Select a Craft to Load [LOG 14:53:34]: Probe [LOG 14:53:34]: Results from the science experiment are fascinatingly sciency! [LOG 14:53:34]: Game Platform: SomeOS [LOG 14:53:34]: Title Text [LOG 14:53:34]: Job [LOG 14:53:34]: Header sdfsdf sdf sfdfe fe dfgfd dfg dfsg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfgm, [LOG 14:53:34]: File Text [LOG 14:53:34]: Don't send my IP address [LOG 14:53:34]: Quit to Menu [LOG 14:53:34]: IP Address: [LOG 14:53:34]: Placeholder Text about Placeholder Things! [LOG 14:53:34]: Sandbox [LOG 14:53:34]: App Title [LOG 14:53:34]: Tab Caption Text here [LOG 14:53:34]: Revert to Launch (1s ago) [LOG 14:53:34]: Qty: NNNNN [LOG 14:53:34]: Space Center [LOG 14:53:34]: Rename Vessel [LOG 14:53:34]: +000,000.00 Funds [LOG 14:53:34]: Crew Hatch [LOG 14:53:34]: new textnew textnew textnew textnew\ntwo lines [LOG 14:53:34]: Stage View [LOG 14:53:34]: Demolish [LOG 14:53:34]: There is no orbital survey data available. Conduct an orbital survey using a survey scanner to enable high-definition detail.\n\nEnhance data accuracy for a biome by landing and operating a Surface Scanner. [LOG 14:53:34]: Vessel Type: [LOG 14:53:34]: Parts [LOG 14:53:34]: KSC Facility [LOG 14:53:34]: Crew Name [LOG 14:53:34]: Crew [LOG 14:53:34]: Inoperable after transmitting\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Target: [LOG 14:53:34]: Load [LOG 14:53:34]: Restart [LOG 14:53:34]: +000 Science [LOG 14:53:34]: Game ID: 0000000000000000000000000000 [LOG 14:53:34]: Reset Experiment\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Crew: [LOG 14:53:34]: Flight results [LOG 14:53:34]: Transmit: +NNNN.N Science [LOG 14:53:34]: Recovery: +NNNN.N Science [LOG 14:53:34]: Recover [LOG 14:53:34]: Game Version: [LOG 14:53:34]: Empty seat [LOG 14:53:34]: Continue [LOG 14:53:34]: Lander [LOG 14:53:34]: N/A\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Rover [LOG 14:53:34]: SpaceObj [LOG 14:53:34]: Achievements [LOG 14:53:34]: 00 [LOG 14:53:34]: +NNNN XP Gained [LOG 14:53:34]: Part Name Here [LOG 14:53:34]: Send anonymous game progress data [LOG 14:53:34]: This is a facility at the Kerbal Space Center. If you hit it hard enough, it might collapse in a nice, satisfying explosion. [LOG 14:53:34]: Empty [LOG 14:53:34]: NN Data Gathered [LOG 14:53:34]: Rebuild Lvl 1\n£ 10,800,000 [LOG 14:53:34]: Base [LOG 14:53:34]: new textnew textnew textnew textnewtwo linesnew textnew textnew textnew textnewtwo linesnew textnew textnew textnew textnewtwo linesnew textnew textnew textnew textnewtwo linesnew textnew textnew textnew [LOG 14:53:34]: Item Title\n [LOG 14:53:34]: Data Size: 30 Mits [LOG 14:53:34]: [+] Contract [LOG 14:53:34]: No description available. [LOG 14:53:34]: Unit Value: 000,000.00 [LOG 14:53:34]: Vessel Name Here [LOG 14:53:34]: No data available [LOG 14:53:34]: KSP would like to send some data gathered from your system to the KSP Servers, to be used for statistical purposes.\n\nThe game will send the following data: [LOG 14:53:34]: 999 Parts in 99 Stages [LOG 14:53:34]: Color [LOG 14:53:34]: Discard Data [LOG 14:53:34]: Process in Lab Module\nNNN Data\nNNN Science\nNNY NND [LOG 14:53:34]: Message title [LOG 14:53:34]: Part Value: 000,000.00 [LOG 14:53:34]: Advanced to Level 2! [LOG 14:53:34]: 100% [LOG 14:53:34]: Refresh [LOG 14:53:34]: Return to Vehicle Assembly [LOG 14:53:34]: Resource [LOG 14:53:34]: Ready for next assignment [LOG 14:53:34]: Fly [LOG 14:53:34]: Select a file to load [LOG 14:53:34]: ModuleCrew: N/N [LOG 14:53:34]: Start [LOG 14:53:34]: Continue Saved Game [LOG 14:53:34]: Load Scenario [LOG 14:53:34]: +000% [LOG 14:53:34]: [+] Design concern [LOG 14:53:34]: Vessel Name: [LOG 14:53:34]: Resource: [LOG 14:53:34]: Select file to load. [LOG 14:53:34]: Outcome: [LOG 14:53:34]: / [LOG 14:53:34]: Revert to Vehicle Assembly (1s ago) [LOG 14:53:34]: Title [LOG 14:53:34]: Version [LOG 14:53:34]: Käääse [LOG 14:54:05]: Loading...\n